Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Arjun Tendulkar has no escape from surname-pressure

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  • The most important cricketer in the world to not yet have played at any major representative level? Arjun Tendulkar, of course.
  • He bowls to Alastair Cook & Co in the nets at Lord’s, when he isn’t bowling to the cream of Indian women cricketers – also at Lord’s – while on the family’s London vacation. He features in one of the most watched biopics in India, Sachin: A Billion Dreams, and Glenn McGrath wants to watch him bowl. His selection in age-level teams in Mumbai make headlines; when he is picked in the city-state team for a non BCCI event like the Baroda Cricket Association’s JY Lele All-India Under-19 Invitational One-Day Tournament 2017-18, people beyond the confines of the local cricket circuit suddenly become aware of the competition.
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